Sunday, 22 January 2012

You! Me! Dancing!?

Hello & welcome to the You! Me! Dancing! production blog!

But a production blog for what I hear you ask, in your head, whilst staring at the screen?!

Well, me (Ashley Lightfoot) and my very good friend Tommy Grainger are making a Stop-Motion animation music video for the song You! Me! Dancing! by Los Campesinos! and this is where we will be posting all of our creative doings and findings for your wonderful eyes to see. Isn't that just brilliant?!

You! Me! Dancing! by Los Campesinos!

So how did this all come about?
If you follow either of our personal blogs then you probably already know how, but just encase you don't i'll go over it again.
I said to Tom "Do want to make an animation?" and Tom said "Yeah go on then!"

That did actually happen, but I guess you want to know why You! Me! Dancing!?
Well, we were both animating at Staffordshire University and Tom was playing some music for us both, when You! Me! Dancing! came on. It instantly lifted our spirits and we had a right good dance about whilst we were animating! I say 'a right good dance about' it was more like just bending our knees up and down being careful not to knock the animation rig.
From then on whenever we were animating for long hours of the day we would stick You! Me! Dancing! on, just to get us through the last few hours. It became our feel good song.

In the last few weeks of University life me and Tom were discussing possible projects to start after graduating. We both got really excited about the idea of making a Stop-Motion animation music video for You! Me! Dancing!
Then we graduated and it all went quiet for a few months whilst we both worked and saved money. Until the other week when we started talking about the animation again and it sparked that passion and drive back into us!

We both met up today at our old watering hole, The Ember Lounge, on the University campus today and thrashed about different stories and possible character ideas etc.
We had a really productive day and came away with 1:40 of the story pretty much set in stone.

1:40 however isn't that much when you think the song itself is 6:39.
It's going to be an absolutely mammoth animation and it's going to require real focus and effort but we know we can do it! We set a rough goal to be animating by November this year which we would like to stick to, but we know things may happen with our part-time jobs that could get in the way of that.

Keep a close eye on all the posts to see if we are after any help with the animation. We know it would be a great opportunity for students to take part in as one of their final year modules and we will be posting updates later into the production possibly asking for your specific skill set.


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